Vol. 63, Issue 2, 2002March 01, 2002 EDT
A Long-Term Care Plan for North Carolina: Synopsis of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine Final Report
A Long-Term Care Plan for North Carolina: Synopsis of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine Final Report
Pam C. Silberman, Kristie K Weisner, Kirsten E. Leysieffer, Cynthia M. Freund, H. David Bruton, Robert A. Ingram, Gordon H. DeFriese,
Silberman, Pam C., Kristie K Weisner, Kirsten E. Leysieffer, Cynthia M. Freund, H. David Bruton, Robert A. Ingram, and Gordon H. DeFriese. 2002. “A Long-Term Care Plan for North Carolina: Synopsis of the North Carolina Institute of Medicine Final Report.” North Carolina Medical Journal 63 (2): 80–82. https://doi.org/10.18043/ncm.63.2.80.