Please note that the NCMJ follows the recommendations of the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors.
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Submitting original research articles for peer review:
The NCMJ is interested in publishing well-written, high-quality scientific studies relevant to the health and well-being of the citizens of North Carolina that inform health and health care practice and policy. NCMJ generally accepts qualitative, quantitative and mixed-methods observational and clinical/community trial research studies as well as secondary data analyses and systematic literature reviews. We generally do not accept case studies/case reports unless a compelling case can be made that the topic aligns with our journal’s goals, that the discussion is evidence-based and thorough, and that the details of the case(s) presented are relevant to health care providers in North Carolina.
Please follow the guidelines below when preparing and submitting an original clinical or health research, systematic review, or case report/series manuscript.
** Format.** Prepare your manuscript as a Microsoft Word file using a standard font.
Length. Limit your article to 3,000 words excluding the abstract, references, tables, and figures. The abstract is limited to 250 words. Original articles are limited to 5 tables/figures.
Order of Parts. Include the following elements in the manuscript in this order: title, author information, abstract, body text, acknowledgments, references, tables, and figure legends. Include tables in the Word document, but submit each figure as a separate file (see below).
Author Information. Specify the names, highest degree(s) earned, and full institutional affiliations (including city and state) for all authors. Also list contact information (ie, postal and email addresses) for the corresponding author.
Abstract. Include a structured abstract of up to 250 words. The abstract should have 5 elements: background, method, results, limitations, and conclusion.
Acknowledgments. State sources of financial support and any potential conflicts of interest for each author. If an author has no relevant conflicts, that too should be stated.
References. Format references using AMA style. Reference numbers should be placed in brackets at the end of the sentence (or within the sentence after mention of the source). Number references in the order in which they are cited in the text; references cited only in tables or figures legends should be numbered as though cited at the point where the table or figure is first mentioned. Do not use Microsoft Word’s endnote or footnote feature to link citations with references. Please provide references when they are needed, but also try to keep the reference list to a reasonable length; most original articles require no more than 40 references.
Tables. Prepare tables with the Microsoft Word table editor only. Do not use tabs or hard returns in the table. Provide a title for each table, state all units explicitly, and define all abbreviations in a note. Limit 5 figures/tables.
Figure Title and Legends. Define all figure titles and legends at the end of the manuscript Word document. This includes axis labels, units, abbreviation definitions, and figure source. Do not place actual figures at the end of the word document. See below for instructions on figure submissions.
Figures. Submit figures as digital files. The file format should be Vector format (AI, EPS, SVG or WMF); high-resolution PDFs, TIFFs and JPEGs are also accepted. Resolution should be 1,200 dpi for graphs and 600 dpi for photographs. All figures and images will be printed in greyscale. Each figure must be a separate file named to match its number in the text (eg, fg1.eps). Place figure titles and legends at the end of the Word document, not in the figure file. Label the axes, state all units explicitly, and define all abbreviations. GIFs and PNGs are for the web and cannot be used for printing. Limit 5 figures/tables.
Submitting a letter of correspondence:
Readers are invited to engage in further dialogue following publication of each issue of the NCMJ. Letters may offer divergent viewpoints or additional perspectives on a featured topic, or they may address topics or issues not presented in the NCMJ. Please limit your correspondence to 400 words, include citations where necessary, and disclose any relevant interests. Please submit correspondence to