Vol. 70, Issue 4, 2009July 01, 2009 EDT
Sidebar: A Proposal for Jump-Starting National Health Care Reform: How Common Sense Reforms in Hospital Emergency Departments Can Reduce Wait Times, Improve Patient Care, Improve Quality of Care, and Lower Costs
Sidebar: A Proposal for Jump-Starting National Health Care Reform: How Common Sense Reforms in Hospital Emergency Departments Can Reduce Wait Times, Improve Patient Care, Improve Quality of Care, and Lower Costs
Atkinson, William (Bill) K. 2009. “Sidebar: A Proposal for Jump-Starting National Health Care Reform: How Common Sense Reforms in Hospital Emergency Departments Can Reduce Wait Times, Improve Patient Care, Improve Quality of Care, and Lower Costs.” North Carolina Medical Journal 70 (4): 346–346. https://doi.org/10.18043/ncm.70.4.346.