Vol. 71, Issue 4, 2010July 01, 2010 EDT
Developing Healthy, Happy, and Productive Young Adults: The North Carolina Metamorphosis Project and the NCIOM Task Force on Adolescent Health
Developing Healthy, Happy, and Productive Young Adults: The North Carolina Metamorphosis Project and the NCIOM Task Force on Adolescent Health
Yorkery, Berkeley, Carol Ford, Steve Cline, Howard Lee, Pam Silberman, Heidi Carter, Tamera Coyne-Beasley, David K. Jones, Ilene Speizer, and Mark Holmes. 2010. “Developing Healthy, Happy, and Productive Young Adults: The North Carolina Metamorphosis Project and the NCIOM Task Force on Adolescent Health.” North Carolina Medical Journal 71 (4): 343–51. https://doi.org/10.18043/ncm.71.4.343.