Vol. 79, Issue 4, 2018July 01, 2018 EDT
Implementation of the North Carolina HIV Bridge Counseling Program to Facilitate Linkage and Reengagement in Care for Individuals Infected with HIV/AIDS
Implementation of the North Carolina HIV Bridge Counseling Program to Facilitate Linkage and Reengagement in Care for Individuals Infected with HIV/AIDS
Swygard, H., Arlene C. Seña, V. Mobley, J. Clymore, L. Sampson, K. Glenn, J. E. Keller, et al. 2018. “Implementation of the North Carolina HIV Bridge Counseling Program to Facilitate Linkage and Reengagement in Care for Individuals Infected with HIV/AIDS.” North Carolina Medical Journal 79 (4): 210–17. https://doi.org/10.18043/ncm.79.4.210.