BACKGROUND This study examined trends in premature mortality—defined as years of potential life lost before age 75 years—in North Carolina during the period 2000–2010. METHOD Premature mortality at the county...
Original Research %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
- Policy Forum: IntroductionThe growing adoption of electronic medical records and advances in health information technology are fueling an explosion of new health data. Expectations are high that new data resources will guide...
A health care ecosystem is evolving in which all stakeholders will need to work together
Policy Forum: Introduction %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Data is a necessary component of any organization's move toward accountability.
- Policy Forum: IntroductionThe current clinical research system does not produce high-quality evidence quickly enough to support health care decision making
- Policy Forum: IntroductionThe advent and expansion of electronic medical record systems and open-access databases are creating a "data tsunami.
- Policy Forum: Invited Commentaries & SidebarsWith provider payments being adjusted for performance and emphasis being placed on value-based care, large health care systems are already developing the resources necessary to pursue quality improvement (QI) in...