BACKGROUND Research indicates that fear of immigration enforcement among Latinos in North Carolina results in limited access to and utilization of health services and negative health consequences. This project developed...
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BACKGROUND Cochlear implantation (CI) is a highly effective intervention for children with advanced hearing loss who cannot benefit from amplification. Despite the established benefits of CI, it is likely that...
- Policy Forum: IntroductionToday9s health system transformation provides a prime opportunity to leverage the capacity of public health to reduce the burden of chronic disease and injury, improve population health, and contain health...
- Policy Forum: IntroductionThe Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act and the Triple Aim are driving a shift toward value-based care. Significant financial risk is being transferred from commercial insurers and government payers...
The health care system is slowly evolving from fee-for-service care to other forms of payment. Pay-for-performance contracts based on quality, patient satisfaction, and utilization are an important development along the...
- Policy Forum: IntroductionThere is much information in the medical literature concerning the medical home concept. Each medical practice must utilize that literature to devise a system of care—a patient-centered medical home—that best...
- Policy Forum: IntroductionCommunities across the state are working to develop systems of health that will improve population health and reduce costs. A number of models are being explored. Regardless of the model,...
- Policy Forum: IntroductionPatient experience metrics are increasingly the focus of value-based incentive programs by both the federal government and private payers. A clear financial imperative exists to improve experience; at the same...
- Policy Forum: IntroductionThe US Department of Health and Human Services and the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services have announced goals and timelines to transition from payments based on volume to payments...