- Policy Forum: Invited Commentaries & SidebarsGale-force demographic disruptors such as unequal population growth can potentially prevent our state from achieving the exemplary goals and targeted outcomes set forth in Healthy North Carolina 2030. These forces...
- Policy Forum: Invited Commentaries & SidebarsGiven the extensive research on the impact of paid leave on increased access, decreased disparities, and improvement in health and economic outcomes, passing a universal statewide program that covers all...
The Pathways to Grade-Level...
Policy Forum: Invited Commentaries & Sidebars %22%20%2F%3E%3C%2Fsvg%3E)
Steadfast leadership from key...individuals working to eliminate disparities in the care and treatment of incarcerated pregnant people in NC jails and prisons led to the passage of HB608.
- Policy Forum: Invited Commentaries & SidebarsChildhood trauma can have lasting impact throughout the life course, affecting both physical and mental health. But it doesn’t have to be this way. To better understand the role of...
- Original ResearchBACKGROUND Residential segregation is a spatial manifestation of structural racism. Racial disparities in emergency department (ED) utilization mirror social inequity in the larger community. We evaluated associations between residential segregation...
- Original ResearchBACKGROUND Although use of contraceptives has increased among young women in the United States, more than half of pregnancies remain unplanned. The goal of this study was to examine the...